Move-Out Instructions

At the completion of Spring Quarter, you and other SPU students will be required to move out of your residence hall room or campus apartment.

To help you, additional dumpsters and recycle bins are placed outside residence halls and SPU apartment complexes at least one week before finals. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are required to move out by the last day of finals. Because of Commencement exercises, graduating seniors may vacate residence hall rooms and apartments by 1PM on Sunday after Commencement.

Room checkout

When you moved in at the beginning of Autumn Quarter, you and other residential students will have completed a room inventory to record the residence’s condition. Upon checkout, your room or apartment will be inspected to assess any change in condition. If cleaning or maintenance is required, you will be held financially responsible.

Students who leave without checking out will be fined a minimum of $75.

Storing items over the summer

If you live more than 100 miles from campus, you may use a storage room during the summer months. However, your access is limited.

  • If you will be returning to a residence hall or apartment, contact your RA, RLC, or AC to gain access into storage.
  • Any item stored must be boxed and sealed, and have your name, home address, and phone number, and the date it was stored clearly noted on the outside of the box.
  • Students who withdraw from University housing may not store items in storage rooms.

Students placing items in storage at the University do so at their own risk. Your RLC or AC will post specific dates and times for cleaning the storage facility. Items must be removed at these times and may be returned to storage the following weekend. Unclaimed items will be given away or auctioned.

  • You must complete the storage waiver found within the end of year Checkout Form to store items over the summer. The Checkout form will be available the last week of the quarter.
  • Any boxes you store must have this storage label (PDF) printed and taped to the box.
  • When you arrive to put your items in storage, you must have your signed waiver with you, and your boxes should already be labeled.

Additional residential policies can be found in the Student Handbook.

Resident advisors (RAs)

The position of resident advisor requires a diverse set of skills. Find out more, including how to apply to become an RA.

Questions about housing or meal plans?

Send questions or comments to or call 206-281-2188.

Questions about residence life?

Send questions or comments to or call 206-281-2043.